About Us

In summer of 1989, God called and commissioned Dr. N. George & Enobong Utuk to take the message of God’s love and deliverance through the power in His Word to His people. At the end of 1989 school year, Dr. Utuk resigned his job as a teacher. He and his wife founded and incorporated The Word of Faith Ministries, Inc., totally trusting in the Lord to supply the needs of this non-profit corporation. The organization became officially operative on June 20, 1990. Under The Word of Faith Ministries, Inc. they traveled to different parts of the world including the continental United States, Brazil, Israel, and Africa to minister the Word of Faith to God’s people.
In 1993, God redefined the vision of the ministry to include lunchtime Bible Study in the ministry’s downtown office in Eatonton, Georgia. As people came to know the Lord as their Savior, there was a need to disciple them. After much prayer, a Thursday night more intensive Bible Study was organized. The work continued to grow and a need for a church arose.
After praying about it, Dr. N.George & Enobong felt a leading to start a church. They approached their then pastor to discuss and seek his advice concerning this matter. The pastor told them that he had recognized that need a year before. He had been praying that God would reveal the need to them. He therefore released and encouraged the Utuks to start Abundant Life Word Fellowship.
A piece of property was purchased which had a singlewide trailer and a house. The trailer was renovated and Abundant Life Word Fellowship started meeting officially on November 20, 1994. The house was used for Children’s ministry.
Within a short period of time, the space in the trailer was filled. Again, after much prayer and deliberation, the Board of Trustees of The Word of Faith Ministries, Inc. decided to go ahead with a plan to build the new sanctuary. On June 27, 1997 the ground was broken for the new sanctuary. On December 6, 1997 the new sanctuary was dedicated for use. Today we celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness in providing this place for us to grow in.
In May 2007 the church building was paid off and forty acres of land was purchased for the construction of a 35,000 square foot sanctuary and offices for the ministry. The construction of the new facility started May 2008. Praise the Lord, we are now worshipping in our newly constructed sanctuary.
In The Word of Faith Ministries and Abundant Life Word Fellowship, our mission is to teach christians worldwide who they are in Christ Jesus and how to live a victorious life in their covenant rights and privileges. The fulfillment of that mission takes place when those believers become rooted and grounded enough in God’s Word to reach out and teach others these same principles.
We are called to lead the lost people to the personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior, and born-again believers to a place where they can operate proficiently in the biblical principles of faith, love, healing, prosperity, redemption and righteousness, and to the place where they can share those principles with others.
We are called to assist believers in becoming rooted, grounded and established in the Word of God by teaching them to give God’s Word first place in their lives (Colossians 1:23 & Psalm 112).
We are called to reveal the mysteries, the victorious revelations of God’s Word, that have been hidden from all ages (Colossians 1:25-28).
We are called to build an army of mature believers, bringing them from milk to meat, from religion to reality. We are called to train them to become skillful in the Word of righteousness (Hebrews 5:12-14) and send them out to win more lost to the Lord.
We are called to proclaim that “Jesus is Savior, Lord, Healer, Baptizer, Deliverer and Provider, from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around.
This vision is to be accomplished through the ministry efforts of N. George and Enobong Utuk and their staff on a worldwide scale through the local church and the use of television, public meetings, books, tapes, recordings and personal correspondence and is to be multiplied through the financial support of other individuals and ministries of like purpose.